
FAMU-TV 20 is an educational access cable channel that reaches 80,000 households in four North Florida counties, including Leon, Gadsden, Taylor, and Wakulla. It operates 24 hours a day and broadcasts many university events, including football and basketball games, graduations, convocations, concerts, and celebrity guest lecturers. It is home to “FAMU News 20 at Five,” the student-run newscast bringing the latest updates in news, sports, weather, and entertainment to the North Florida and South Georgia regions. All shows are broadcast on Comcast Cable Channel 20.

As an educational cable access television channel, FAMU-TV 20 enhances educational opportunities for traditional and non-traditional students by creating and delivering educational programs that support the academic curriculums of Florida A&M University.

FAMU-TV 20 also trains and supports faculty, students, and staff in the production of educational materials to be used in conjunction with classes and other outreach activities.

The channel’s programming further supports the mission of the university through the creation of programming that addresses the needs of underserved and diverse communities and the viewing audiences it serves. These educational television programs extend the reach of the university beyond the campus in Tallahassee.

FAMU-TV 20 endeavors to provide the local community with enrichment and cultural exposure opportunities in its daily offerings. 


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Contact Information


510 Orr DriveFlorida A&M UniversityTallahassee, FL 32307
Office: (850) 412-5426Fax: (850) 599-3086